Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sofia & Gabriela

A couple of new pics of our cats, Sofia & Gabriela. They just turned ONE couple of weeks back.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Nouvelle Vague at The Fillmore

Saw Nouvelle Vague at The Fillmore last night. They do a lot of late 70s-early 80s cover songs, a lot of bossa nova style renditions of many new wave classics. Great show. It's always refreshing to see shows that are not over produced. Check them out on their website or on myspace.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Quintessential Companion for All Artists

Saw this comic strip in the paper the other day. Quintessential Companion for All Artists. I could definitely use this Super Hero as an amateur photographer myself. In the meantime, I have decided to better my "super hero" skills and enroll in a framing & matting class every Tuesday at the Piedmont Adult School. Classes start next week and I'm quite excited. Also, I have been working on a new website to share my photographs. Here is the new link -- nomadiclens. So when you have time please visit, browse, share and leave me some comments/feedback. I am also thinking of merchandising some of these photographs (maybe postcard set or posters or t-shirts), so if anyone is interested in something like this, feel free to email or leave a comment.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Going Green with the former leader of the Soviet Union

Gorbachev's global initiative for solving the world's most pressing environmental challenges.

"We need a new system of values - a system that recognizes the organic unity between humankind and nature and promotes the ethic of global responsibility."
- President Gorbachev

Friday, August 25, 2006

what a beautiful concept...

synesthesia means "joined sensation" (Greek, syn = together + aisthesis = perception). It refers to an involuntary physical experience in which the stimulation of one sense modality reliably causes an additional perception in a different sense or senses. For example, a synesthete might describe the color, shape, and flavor of someone's voice, or seeing the color red, a synesthete might detect the "scent" of red as well.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Laura's SF Chronicle Letter to The Editor

Source: SF Gate online The real Coit Tower

Editor -- In response to the June 20 letter, "How to make Coit Tower real," I wanted to bring your readers attention to San Francisco City Guides, a nonprofit organization that leads free walking tours on the history, legends and lore of San Francisco. The letter-writer lamented the lack of educational opportunities at Coit Tower. Yet, every Saturday at 11 a.m., informative local volunteers do lead free walking tours of Coit Tower and share the stories behind the vibrant and controversial murals that depict scenes from the Great Depression.

For 28 years, San Francisco City Guides has been an integral part of the San Francisco landscape bringing equal voice and color to the historic landmarks and hidden treasures of San Francisco. As a sponsored program of the San Francisco Public Library, these tours are offered free of charge. I would encourage all of your readers to join us on a tour. They will not be disappointed. Information on San Francisco City Guides can be found at


City Guides director

San Francisco

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Reinventing Gore

Just finished reading a good article in May 2006 issue of WIRED Magazine on Al Gore's pro-growth, pro-tech fight against the "Climate Crisis". It's a light read, well-written (although can't help but notice the yuppie journalistic style), extermely interesting, and gives a much better perspective into Gore's passion and persona. Perhaps not becoming the President of the United States is the best thing that happened to the man, Al Gore. (Not sure about the country, however.) Give it a read, particularly if you have an interest in subjetcs like sustainability, business and economics, and technology.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Beijing or Bust: Documentary Filmmaker detained by Chinese Authorities

Free Hao Wu 释放吴皓 You always hear about such stories on the news or read about it on internet blogs, but it's always different when you find out it's about someone you know. Global Voices stalwarts Rebecca MacKinnon and Ethan Zuckerman have launched a blog covering the story.
"On February 22, Chinese authorities detained filmmaker and blogger Hao Wu. He has not been charged with a crime."
I've never met Hao, but had he not been detained on February 22 by Chinese authorities, I may have very soon. Perhaps on his next visit to the US. We have a mutual friend who had told me loads about him and how our interests intersected in many avenues such as film, technology, culture, politics, and travelling to name a few. My girlfriend and I had a chance to watch Hao's debut documentary, Beijing or Bust, on a video copy my friend had lent me. Previously screened at the 6th Annual San Diego Asian Film Festival (Fall 2005), it is a cinematic montage of interviews with US-born ethnic Chinese who now live in China’s capital Beijing -- a refreshing and enlightening journey into one of today's most rapidly transforming society. FREE HAO WU! Please join in appeal for Hao's release by calling attention to the situation.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bluetooth : Emperor's New Toy

While researching bluetooth headsets I should get for my new Verizon 8100, I stumbled across an interesting fact on CNET's quick guide to Bluetooth headsets.
What's in a name? In case you were wondering, Bluetooth gets its name from a 10th-century Danish king, Harald Blatand (or Bluetooth) who unified Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. According to legend, he had an affinity for teeth-staining blueberries. Oh, and the logo combines the runic alphabetic characters for H and B. read more on

Monday, January 23, 2006

Charlie Brown Goes to China

From last weekend at a street fair in Oakland downtown, a week before Chinese New Year.

According to Karl, "it's about being happy, innit?"

Wisdom of Karl Pilkington embodies enchanting philosophical depth delivered with such delicate precision and uncompromised humor. Here is one :
An infinite number of monkeys using an infinite number of typewriters for an infinite amount of time, could not produce the complete work of Shakespeare, unless they have read it.
I'm no a expert on radio/podcast programming, but I must say The Ricky Gervais Show on Guardian Unlimited (available on iTunes) is one of the funniest programming on radio. Much like the legendary Fawlty Towers and the more contemporary counterpart, The Office, the Ricky Gervais Show is a comedy classic. Karl's eccentric interests and theories are an unending source of laughter -- it's unfortunate that it's planned as only a 12-episode podcast. I think they're at episode 9 at this point. Enjoy.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy New Years : 2006

While it may have seemed that I had abandoned this chronicle of random tales and dropped off the face of this world, in actuality, I became occupied by the overwhelming task of trying to get out of my old job and start a new one. It's quite amazing how long this process can take -- beginning with frustration with the old place, followed by hope and determination to find something new, revisited by frustration of not being able to find something you like, sequenced by some encouraging prospects, cumbersome interviewing process and if you are lucky, finding a job that you can enjoy (at least for another few years, before starting over on this process again). I was lucky....even if it took a year. This happened in October. Also, in October, quite spontaneously we managed to adopt two kittens. I have never had any pets, not even a goldfish. So this is another new experience for me as I embark into this new year. Finally, in November, I managed to do something I've been wanting to for quite some time now -- a road trip through the Canyonlands. It was spectacular. A friend of mine and I, drove out to Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley and back via Tioga Pass through Yosemite (on the last day before they shutdown this road for the Winter). That was the week before I started my new job. Since I noticed that quite a few of you really enjoyed reading some of the random scribbles on this blog, I will try to post more interesting stuff soon. In the meantime, HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone... six days late, but better late than never. I have also updated a new photo gallery, so feel free to check it out and comment.